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Friday, December 25, 2009

Shane Watson fined for aggressive send-off

Shane Watson gets animated after dismissing Chris Gayle © Getty Images

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News : Gayle not surprised by Watson antics
Bulletin : 3rd day bulletin

Players/Officials: Sulieman Benn | Brad Haddin | Mitchell Johnson | Ricky Ponting | Shane Watson
Matches: Australia v West Indies at Perth
Series/Tournaments: West Indies tour of Australia
Teams: Australia | West Indies

Shane Watson has been fined 15% of his match fee by the match referee Chris Broad after his over-the-top celebration on dismissing Chris Gayle.

When Watson's caught-behind appeal was granted, he ran close to Gayle and while facing the batsman celebrated with excessive cheering and roaring. The umpires had a chat to Watson straight afterwards and he was also spoken to by his captain Ricky Ponting, who was keen to avoid any further incidents after the Sulieman Benn-Brad Haddin-Mitchell Johnson fracas.

"Shane is a very energetic and enthusiastic bowler but on this occasion he has gone too far by running down the wicket screaming, thereby not showing due respect for the opponent," Broad said. "While handing down the punishment, I took into account that Shane admitted his mistake by pleading guilty."

Benn was suspended for two one-day internationals for his part in the verbal and physical clash earlier in the match, while Johnson and Haddin were both fined. Australia's coach Tim Nielsen said he had warned Watson after the Gayle dismissal that he should tone down his behaviour.

"I spoke to him quickly at lunch-time and I said I think he needs to be careful about the way he reacts or celebrates his dismissals," Nielsen said. "I think that's probably been one of the things about this Test match also, there's been ... quite a bit of [needle] between the playing groups out there. That's something we're conscious of and something that I'm certainly talking to the playing group about.

"We're trying to maintain a pretty even keel as often as we can but at the same time, when things get emotional and it's hot and you're tired and there is a game on the line, you can understand that some of those reactions are maybe over the top sometimes. It's something that we've spoken about and I'll have another chat to Watto about it tonight."

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